CeliCity, finalist in Apps4citizens Festivalapp | CeliCity

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CeliCity has been chosen as finalist for special mention prize as featured app in the health sector, during the first Festivalapp organised by Apps4citizens in Barcelona, to take place on the 19th June, in the old factory “l’Antiga Fàbrica d’Estrella Damm”.

Apps4citizens recognizes those special mobile apps which empower citizens in different environments, by fostering their interaction with other members of the community via individual, community and civic commitment, in order to improve our society.

CeliCity team wants to thank Apps4citizens this distinction, and also the jury prize, also composed of Mobile World Capital Barcelona, m4development and DKV Seguros Médicos representatives. But first and foremost a big thank you to our more than 8,500 users worldwide for making CeliCity possible and for improving and expanding it every day.

Let’s keep growing together!